Our Congregation Has Always Supported Teachers
Former pastoral intern Dominique McFall Buchholz teaching a Religion class at the Lýceum.
The Bratislava International Church was instituted as a response to the need for an English-language worship community for English teachers in Bratislava, sent by the ELCA. In the early 90s the Evanjelické Lýceum was the first school to offer bilingual-level English to Slovak students. To this day it draws students from all over Slovakia and our church is the home to their American and Canadian English teachers.
The church continues to be an epicenter of sorts for the program. Throughout the years the Pastors of BIC have served the teachers across Slovakia and Poland and have often been teachers at the Lýceum in Bratislava.
Information About the Schools We Serve
Bratislava, Slovakia
Evanjelické Lýceum v Bratislave
(Lutheran High School of Bratislava)
Vranovská 2, 85102 Bratislava
Cieszyn, Poland
Liceum Ogólnokształcące Towarzystwa Ewangelickiego
(High School of the Lutheran Society)
Sienkiewicza 2, Cieszyn, Poland
Košice, Slovakia
Evanjelické Gymnasium Jana Amosa Komenského
(Jana Amosa Komenského Lutheran School)
Škultétyho 10, 04001 Košice
Tisovec, Slovakia
Evanjelické Gymnázium Tisovec
(Tisovec Lutheran High School)
Jesenského 836, 98061 Tisovec
Liptovský Mikulaš, Slovakia
Evanjelické gymnázium Juraja Tranovského
(Juraj Tranovskeho Lutheran High School)
Komenského 1317/10, 031 01 Liptovský Mikuláš
Rimavska Sobota, Slovakia
Evanjelická základná škola Zlatice Oravcovej
(Evangelical Elementary School of Zlatice Oravcová)
Daxnerova 42, 97901 Rimavská Sobota
Martin, Slovakia
Evanjelická spojená škola
(Lutheran Bible School)
M.R. Štefánika 19, 036 01 Martin
Hospitality is one of the core ministries of BIC. As new teachers come and go, the congregation has opened its doors and houses to host short- and long-term travelers to Bratislava.
Over the years, the church has drawn not only teachers from the ELCA, but teachers from other programs based in Bratislava as well. There are many English schools for the children of expats living in Bratislava.