We come together from many nations and denominations with the desire to experience worship and community in Christ.
We come to be strengthened by God’s Word and to go out into the world proclaiming the love of Christ in all we do.
Community Life
Bible Study — Tuesdays
Join us on Tuesdays (Sept-June) to learn from God's Word. We choose to join the international community and follow the Revised Common Lectionary (annual schedule of readings). We study and meditate on the upcoming Sunday's texts. We meet at Panenska 28 in our BIC Ministry Space from 18:30 to 20:00 (there will be a notice if the location changes). If you're not a native speaker, this is also a great time to practice your English.
Church Choir — Tuesdays & Sundays
We practice and guide hymns for Sunday worship. Anyone is welcome to join. Rehearsals are Tuesdays at 17:20. We meet at the church, and enter the normal way through the entrance on Lycejna alley. Our cantor & organist, Ivana Jelen, leads the choir and will be happy to have you join. Please contact her here (sabanoso@gmail.com).
Coffee & Fellowship @ Next Apache — Sunday After Church
After church we walk next door to Next Apache (map) where we sit, stand, or mill around and enjoy coffee and catching up. This is such an important piece of our community. The atmosphere is relaxed and welcoming and you have a chance to get to know the people you just sat in church with. Please join us after worship.
Christian Education and Faith Formation
Children's Church/Sunday School
A member from our congregation teaches Sunday School each Sunday. After the kids come up for the children's sermon they go join Sunday School. We believe it's important for families to talk about faith at home, so each week Sunday School teaches the same topic as we're discussing in Worship, adapted for children of course. If you're interested in helping, please sign up for the Sunday you're available.
For the older kids and teenagers, our pastors teach Confirmation classes. The schedule may change so it's best to contact the pastors for more information.